Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tomorrow's Meeting

Hi everyone,

I am so sorry to say that I will not be able to read tomorrow at our meeting -- we sold our house this month and Sept. 30 is the Big Moving Day. Needless to say, every minute of the next 11 days is absolutely essential to packing and moving and getting myself, my husband, two kids, dog, ferret, and goldfish out of this house and settled into the new one :).

I'll definitely look forward to reading at the next meeting, though...good luck to everyone and have a great time!



  1. Congratulations on selling the house and moving to another one. Also, glad that you'll still be in the area and participating in the OVWG. I'll move your name to the Oct. list for reading and guarantee you get a chance to share.

    Rich K.

  2. Thanks Rich! I'll have a little farther to drive, but not much :) I'll be looking forward to the next meeting.

