Thanks, Joanie, for bringing us up-to-date on the Cincinnati Writers Digest Conference, both in your blog and your report at our meeting. It shows that there is hope and that success may be just around the corner.
Since both Jo and Joanie have used the Writers Digest to further their writing careers, it was suggested that a newspaper article be prepared concerning their efforts. Rich has agreed to take on this task. It will be good publicity for the group and for the individuals involved.
I passed out a short story of what happened to me this winter. Rich gave me a good lead on finding an outlet for it.
Fred brought up that the Pennwriters Conference in Lancaster, PA is coming up soon. Since this isn't exactly close to our area, we may want to wait for next year's conference to be held in Pittsburgh. Pennwriters also has put out feelers for our loose-knit club to join them. There does not seem to be any benefits for us. Fred is doing some further checking on this.
Our next meeting will be April 19th at Highlands Books-A-Million at 7:00 pm. Remember to invite anybody else who may be interested in joining or furthering our careers.
There are some interesting Lunch with Books at the Ohio County Public Library coming up including our very own Andy Fraenkel on May 18th. Attached is a copy of the current schedule:

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